Project Notes

SquirrelBox is an easy-to-manage subscription service for people with ADHD that delivers items, tools, and inspiration to help them manage symptoms and live a happier and more fulfilled life.

Voice Notes

Supportive, cooperative, and witty. (per style guide)


Erin (user persona), recently diagnosed with ADHD, has signed up for a subscription with SquirrelBox. She is strapped for cash and wants to unsubscribe.


Help members navigate their way through to cancel their subscription while adding the appropriate amount of friction.

Cancelling a SquirrelBox subscription

The user will see the current subscriptions screen when they go to their account details.

View on Miro

Copy Table: Current subscriptions

Mockup: Current subscriptions


Copy Table: Subscription details

Mockup: Empty state


Copy Table: Cancelation modal

Mockup: Cancelation modal


Copy Table: Confirmation modal

Mockup: Confirmation modal