Project Notes

SquirrelBox is an easy-to-manage subscription service for people with ADHD that delivers items, tools, and inspiration to help them manage symptoms and live a happier and more fulfilled life.

Voice Notes

Supportive, cooperative, and witty. (per style guide)


Erin (user persona), recently diagnosed with ADHD, just registered for an account with SquirrelBox. She wants to subscribe to the monthly box option.


Help new users sign up quickly and easily, reducing friction and instilling confidence that they are not committing to something they can’t easily back out of.

Subscribing to a SquirrelBox plan

The user will be presented with the first screen immediately after registering their account. If they select the option to skip the subscription signup, they can return later via an empty state screen (shown below) which will present the first step screen with different copy.

View on Miro

Copy Table: Screen 1 of 6 (continuation from signup)

Mockup: Screen 1 of 6 (continuation from signup)


Copy Table: Empty state

Mockup: Empty state


Copy Table: Screen 1 of 6 (from empty state)

Mockup: Screen 1 of 6 (from empty state)


Copy Table: Screen 2 of 6 - Delivery method

Mockup: Screen 2 of 6 - Delivery method